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I don’t know what to write! 8 ideas to inspire your next blog | Claire Winter
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I often speak to business owners and entrepreneurs and they say: “I really should blog, but I don’t know what to write about.”

As an editor and journalist, I have written about hundreds of small and large businesses and they all have a story to tell. Everyone one of us can write about our business. Information that you think isn’t relevant or interesting will be to someone else.

How to generate some interesting blog posts

What is your why? 

Why did you set up your business? What is the story behind it? Many women and men have become entrepreneurs or set up their own business because they want to more time with their family. You may have a completely unique reason, get blogging about it.

Tips and Hints

Social media is full of free information and we all need some help along the way. Your niche and specific knowledge is your blog and social media collateral.

Behind the scenes 

Human beings are inherently curious. We like to hear about people’s lives and know what they are doing. Show your audience the step-by-step process of how you make your goods, how you teach or what your working day looks like.

Answer Common Questions

What questions do your customers ask you the most? Create a blog post answering them.

Create a ‘How-to’ post

If you are a dog trainer, tell us how to make our doggy behave. If you are a crafter show us how to make something beautiful. If you are a nutritionist, we’d like a yummy recipe please!

Host a Q & A

This can be with a member of staff that works for you, an influential person in your industry or a happy customer. 

Write a Listicle

Everyone loves a ‘Top 10’ or ‘5 Hacks’ style article. They are attention-grabbing and easy to read. What are you waiting for? Get writing.

Banish fear

What if people don’t like it or read it? Don’t let being scared hold you back. You aren’t forcing anyone to read your posts, they can scroll on by if they want to. If they don’t agree with it, they can also move on. If you are active on social media, trust that your posts will resonate with your potential ideal customers and clients. If you aren’t active yet choose one platform that you like (Twitter, Facebook or Instagram) and start sharing your blog and social media posts on it as soon as you can.

If you need some further inspiration you can get my FREE blogging brainstorm guide here 

Let’s get social. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram 

This blog first appeared on the wonderful coach Emma Holmes’ website Rebels and Rockstars.

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