Sometimes you are on fire and the ideas flow and you can’t stop producing great features, blogs and memes and then sometimes, you get stuck! You are scrabbling around your mind like a squirrel, who has lost all of its nuts. Here are some ways to get the creative juices flowing again.

  1. Write a controversial post or headline. I love this blog, mainly because I really love sheds (can you tell I have worked from home for eight years) and I use one as an office. This one has a lot of f***s in it, so don’t read it if swearing offends you. If you have an audience that will relate to swears in the blogging world, I think it’s ok to use them, it can often gain a lot of attention. If you are writing a professional post I would personally avoid swearing but it is of course up to the author.

  1. Get out in nature. I know I say this a lot but it’s true. Go out for a walk and get some fresh air, often an idea will just come to you when you are outside and away from your workspace.
  1. Phone a friend. Ok I know it’s not, ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’, but it’s still good to chat with a friend or someone who runs a similar business. Brainstorming can create a lot of good ideas. Maybe you could make it a weekly meeting, so you can both plan and make each other accountable the week after.

  1. Don’t ignore inspiration. Sometimes you have an idea that keeps on coming to the surface. Don’t ignore it. Elizabeth Gilbert talks about this in Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. She believes inspiration calls you and if you don’t act on it, the idea will go elsewhere. “Ideas of every kind are constantly galloping toward us, constantly pass through us, constantly trying to get our attention.”
  1. Write every day Allocate time at night or first thing in the morning to put pen to paper, download worries, lists and all the stuff clogging up your brain first and then make sure you carry on writing long enough to let your thoughts flow. Revisit them the next day and take the best ones away with you and act on them!
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